Friday, August 1, 2008

Persistence of Old Email

Memory is a funny thing, especially when facilitated by old email.

I was digging through my old gmail files, maybe the best thing about gmail, how it organizes everything into categories. It's like having a personal assistant who specializes in sorting email and chats. Amazing. Anyway, I was digging through old ones and found some that made me think about where I have been in the last three years.

Consider that in those last three years I have:
  • changed religions (twice)
  • loved (to various degrees) 4 different women
  • remarried
  • almost died (from the same disease that killed my younger brother)
  • published 2 poetry chapbooks
  • made two major roadtrips (1544.08 and 1547.90 miles respectively) solo
  • reformed and disbanded a band
  • started 4 blogs (though 3 are dead now)
  • moved 5 times
  • worked 4 different jobs
  • started and quit smoking
  • quit drinking
  • attended my first strip club
  • signed up for and not attended grad school (twice)
  • been through a Hurricane (Dolly)

What an awesome time it has been. Memory glosses over the more negative aspect of the time while maximizing the fun. Happy 3 years, everyone. What have you been up to in that time?


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good three years.

Let's see...

I moved in with Kat.
I published a full-length poetry book.
I finished writing a novel.
I moved to Chicago.
I did a short spoken word tour with a friend.
I did two longer tours by myself.
I quit writing poetry and performing.
I moved back to Austin from Chicago.
I got married.
I started an anarcho-socialist moving company.
I won four consecutive Super Bowls in Madden '08.
I put out a live talking record and a studio music record.
I learned how to bake bread.
I bought a convertible twenty years in advance of my mid-life crisis.
I moved to England.
I got a stack of rejection letters so high I can't see over it.
I watched every episode of 'The Office' like five times.

That's about it, maybe?

WDV said...

i think you won...

Unknown said...

Master Pirate Robot, it looks like you had quite a roller coaster of a time these past three years. What religions did you change from and to? How bad did that disease get? How was your first strip club experience? I also have to say that moving sucks, and it must have been a pain to move 5 times in the past 3 years.

Solomon, I'm impressed with your Madden '08 skills! :-D Also, that's too bad about the rejection letters, but I'm sure The Office was able to lift your spirits, and I'm scared to find out what will happen during your actual mid-life crisis.

For myself, I think moving to Boston with Jessamin, getting my first programming job, and finally committing to grad school for Comp. Sci. are my most memorable achievements.

Ed Vela said...

I haven't done as much in the last 3 years as I'd like to have done. I did move from San Antonio to Houston and then down here. I've dealt with a few health issues and helped my parents deal with some of theirs. I joined a puppetry guild in Houston and did a show with them at the Children's Museum of Houston. When I came down here, I also did a show at Palmfest. I'm hoping to do some shows with Carl in the near future. In many ways this has not been a very productive time, but in other ways, I feel like I'm gearing up for getting things done.
If you ask me the same question in three years, I'd like to say that I've gotten some writing done, but that remains to be seen.
I think that what I can say about the last three years is that I've really rekindled my desire to read and write as much as I can. The latter is what I think I need to focus on more now. But I'm really enjoying the former.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a lot of accomplishments. Congratulations on your new everything. Religion? I guess you congratulate someone for changing religions. I always feel that years and accomplishments are a reflection of something I want to be more of. In the past 3 years I have:

Started writing more poetry,
Wrote 3 different weekly columns for 3 different newspaper publications,
Didn’t get pregnant,
Received a 1st place award for my Newsletter publication (state wide),
Bought a home, went through my 2nd hurricane, paid off my car,
I’m 14 years married with a 13 year old son, so that counts for a life time of accomplishments

Good to finally read your blog – enjoying it. Have a nice day.
